Thursday, September 19, 2013

Which Direction Should My Patio Face?

Setting up pergolas over your patio spices up the house's appearance and provides much-needed shelter for you and your loved ones under a hot day. This is true when your patio covers allow for maximum comfort and requires minimal maintenance. However, in having your patio covers built, there's one more thing you have to consider: where it's facing.

Having the covers built on the south side of the house may be beneficial if you intend to get as much natural light into the house as you can. This is also true in winter because of low sun angles during daytime. Patio covers facing north isn't feasible because the angle of the Sun's orbital track doesn't make for sufficient natural lighting.

Covers for the patio facing east may be suitable if you intend to get your rays early in the morning, especially if the house needs to be warmed up early in the day. Although a patio cover facing east will shadow you from the afternoon sun, a cover facing west may also be just as effective. During wintertime, patio covers facing west will help you relish natural light.

The orientation of the patio cover has different benefits. The right one is a question for you to answer. 

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